2 min readJan 8, 2023

The most successful people know the essence of having a productive morning. To underpin this point, Laura Vanderkam shares some working ideas of prominent individuals in her bestselling book that will help us become more effective and productive during the day. Indeed, the small things matter, and Laura Vanderkam teaches us to pay attention to them.

Many believe that sleeping longer in the morning will help us be more productive during the day because more sleep equals more strength. It is hard to overlook the importance of rest, and sleeping is the best way to do that. However, we need to correct this idea. We need to go to bed early and get up early. Why?

The morning is when we reach our peak productivity. Still, our creativity is on the brink ious. Indeed, it is difficult to change our ways to appreciate the beauty of the morning, but it is worthwhile!

Dedicate your morning to the activities that will help you grow professionally and personally and improve your relationships with loved ones. The key point here is not to postpone these until later in the day, or worse still — the evening when we are utterly exhausted from the day’s work and sometimes literally feel numb.

Adopt several important morning routines like meditating or working out, spending quality time with your family over breakfast, or reading up on the newest trends in your professional sphere. In the morning, our willpower is also much stronger than it is in the evening. Thus, the wee hours of the morning are the best time to start gradually improving your life.

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